UNIMAS Team Benchmarking Visit to Jabatan Digital Negara and Favotech System

In an industry where timelines are tight and budgets are tighter, the ability to accurately size software projects can be the difference between success and failure.

As Sarawak vigorously transforms its government services into digital and online formats, it is imperative for the involved local agencies and authorities to adopt sizing methods that are methodical, sound, and compliant with current industry standards.

The Sarawak Multimedia Authority (SMA), a regulatory body tasked with spearheading, overseeing, and facilitating the development and implementation of all Sarawak Government’s digital initiatives, has engaged a team of UNIMAS consultants led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Johari Abdullah to develop an official software sizing guideline for the Sarawak Government.

To this end, the consultation team (Lead: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Johari Abdullah, Members: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sze San Nah and Dr Irwandi Hipiny) and representatives from SMA (Dr. Rosalind Sia Juo Ling and Siak Yung Yng) visited Jabatan Digital Negara in Putrajaya and Favotech System Sendirian Berhad in Cyberjaya on July 10th, 2024, for benchmarking purposes.

The meeting at Jabatan Digital Negara was chaired by Ts. Pn. Nik Zalbiha binti Nik Mat, Chief Consultant (System Development). Ts. Dr. Sri Lakshmi A/P Kanniah delivered a presentation on the current software sizing practices of federal government agencies.

The team gained a better understanding of Jabatan Digital Negara’s adopted methods, their implementation, and the associated challenges and solutions.

At Favotech System, the meeting was chaired by Arham Zulqarnaen Shamsudin, Chief Executive Officer of the company.

The purpose of the meeting to gather insights and perspectives from a local software company on software sizing and costing matters in Malaysia.

The two visits have provided the team with fresh ideas on how to best design the software sizing guideline. Many thanks to all parties involved.

A prelude to the HPV vaccination in UNIMAS: A webinar highlights the Importance of HPV Immunisation in Malaysia

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, UNIMAS, 16 July 2024 A webinar on “HPV Immunisation: Leaving No One Behind—Eliminating Cervical Cancer in Malaysia” was held on Zoom, attracting a wide online audience. The event, which began at 10 AM, was also telecast live on the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences’ Facebook and YouTube channels. There were 622 participants in the webinar on Zoom, and many more joined via Facebook and YouTube Live.

Dr. Ruthashini R. Selvasingam, a medical doctor and public health advocate with the National Cancer Society Malaysia, led the webinar. She is also a DrPH student at Universiti Malaya (UM) and had worked in Marudi and Miri before pursuing her studies at UM.  Her presentation touches on the significance of HPV disease, current statistics on cervical cancer in Malaysia, and the comprehensive HPV vaccination rollout plan for Sarawak.

Cervical cancer is the 4th most common cancer affecting women in the world. In 2022, 660000 new cases and 350000 deaths were reported, the latter contributing to 7.7% of deaths from all cancers in women.

In Malaysia, it is the third most common cancer affecting Malaysian women, behind breast and colorectal cancer.

Although it is preventable and can be diagnosed early, a huge number of cancer patients present late—almost 41% of cancer patients—when they are in the third and fourth stages of the cancer. Coming late means that the treatment outcome is not as great as those who come at the earlier stages, attaining a better quality of life. Survival is better when detected early.

Dr. Ruthashini elaborated on the transmission of HPV and its role in causing cervical cancer and other related diseases. A persistent Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection is the primary cause of cervical cancer.

She highlighted the urgency of preventive measures, supported by current statistics on the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer in Malaysia. Besides early screening for cancer, prophylactic vaccination is an effective and cost-effective strategy to prevent cervical cancer.

An important key focus of her talk was the plan for the HPV vaccination programme in Sarawak, aiming to vaccinate all eligible individuals, both male and female. Dr. Ruthashini also provided details on the types of vaccines available and emphasized the vaccine that will be used in the vaccination drive at Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) on July 25–26.

The upcoming HPV vaccination drive is open to males and females between the ages of 13 and 26 years old. It will be held at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, UNIMAS, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. To get vaccinated, participants must fill out the registration form available at this link: https://forms.gle/62Rb5Ng32sA1YDu46.

The webinar concluded with a strong call to action, urging the public to participate in the upcoming HPV vaccine drive to help eliminate cervical cancer in Malaysia. -HH-

Lawatan kolaborasi penyelidik FSKTM dan Lembaga Lada Malaysia ke Betong

Satu lawatan telah diadakan di Lembaga Lada Malaysia cawangan Betong dan Rumah Panjang Kelimbang, Penyulok di Ulu Layar, Betong pada 18 Julai 2024.

Lawatan ini susulan projek kerjasama Sistem Rendaman IoT bagi penghasilan lada putih premium antara Unimas dan Lembaga Lada Malaysia.

Penyelidik yang terlibat dari UNIMAS terdiri daripada Ts. Hj. Ahmad Hadinata Fauzi dan Prof Madya Ts. Dr Dayang Nurfatimah Awg Iskandar bersama-sama pelajar sarjana dan pelajar tahun akhir dari Fakulti Sains Komputer dan Teknologi Maklumat (FSKTM).

Lawatan bertujuan mempelajari proses penghasilan lada putih premium secara tradisi di mana lada direndam di dalam sungai bagi menghasilkan lada putih premium.

Selain itu, penyelidik juga secara praktikal diberi peluang mencuba cara memetik lada.

Mereka turut belajar bagaimana mengisih lada daripada bendasing menggunakan ‘spiral separator’ bagi memastikan kualiti lada putih premium.

Mereka juga diberi demonstrasi oleh penghuni rumah panjang cara pengeringan lada putih.

FSKTM turut membuat perjumpaan dengan penduduk Rumah Panjang Kelimbang, Penyulok.

Lembaga Lada dan penghuni rumah panjang memberi maklumbalas positif dengan sistem Rendaman IoT.

Perbincangan tersebut juga mencetuskan idea baharu yang berpotensi dijadikan projek penyelidikan pada masa hadapan.

Festival of Social Sciences and Humanities (FOSSH) 2024

Written by Dr Nur Auni Ugong

The Festival of Social Sciences and Humanities (FOSSH) 2024, organized by the Association of Social Sciences and Humanities (or popularly known as PSSK – Persatuan Sains Sosial & Kemanusiaan) in collaboration with the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities programme clubs, is a shining example of how events can foster the holistic development of students. This festival was meticulously designed to nurture both the intellectual and personal growth of FSSH students, ensuring that their academic achievements are complemented by strong personal character.

PSSK members with Dr Kiky Kirina, Dean of FSSH, and Dr Auni, Deputy Dean (Student Affairs and Alumni), during the Closing Ceremony of FOSSH 2024.

Following the directive from the Minister of Higher Education, YB Dato’ Seri Diraja Dr. Zambry Abd Kadir, delivered on January 12, 2024, FOSSH 2024 set out to prove that a holistic approach, integrating intellectual growth, character building, moral refinement, and integrity strengthening, is not only possible but essential. The month-long celebration, from May 13 to June 26, 2024, was packed with diverse activities that aimed to educate, inspire, and entertain participants.

One of the highlights of FOSSH 2024 was the Gala Food Festival, which showcased the rich diversity of local culinary traditions. This event fostered an appreciation for cultural heritage among students, offering them a chance to explore and celebrate the culinary arts. Various food stalls provided a vibrant atmosphere where students could engage with local cuisine and enhancing their cultural understanding and culinary skills.

The Campus Madani Exhibition was another cornerstone of the festival. This exhibition was designed to promote noble values and ethical behaviour among students. Through interactive displays and engaging presentations, the exhibition emphasized the importance of integrity, respect, and community service. It served as a platform for students to reflect on their personal values and consider how they can contribute positively to society.

One of the exhibitors at the Campus Madani Exhibition.

The Mental Health Quest Adventure was an innovative activity that tested and strengthened students’ mental resilience. Participants navigated through various challenges designed to promote mental well-being and stress management. This adventure highlighted the importance of mental health, providing students with practical tools and strategies to cope with stress and maintain their mental well-being.

Health and community welfare were at the forefront of the Blood Donation Program. This initiative underscored the significance of giving back to the community and maintaining good health. Students, faculty, and community members participated in the blood donation drive, reflecting the spirit of altruism and community support. The program also included health checks and wellness tips, emphasizing the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

The Singing and Dancing Competitions provided a platform for students to express and hone their artistic talents. These competitions were a celebration of creativity and talent, allowing students to showcase their skills in a supportive and encouraging environment. The performances were a testament to the diverse talents within the FSSH community, highlighting the importance of the arts in holistic education.

In addition to the artistic events, FOSSH 2024 featured a range of competitive activities aimed at developing critical skills. The Debate Competition fostered critical thinking and effective communication, encouraging students to engage in thoughtful discussions on various topics. The Physical Sports Competition emphasized the importance of physical fitness and teamwork, while the E-Sports event highlighted technological adeptness and strategic thinking. These activities collectively contributed to the students’ overall development, instilling values such as volunteerism, education, innovation, entrepreneurship, and sportsmanship.

The success of FOSSH 2024 was further underscored by the extensive participation from the entire FSSH community, lecturers from various faculties, dedicated alumni, and the surrounding public. The festival attracted 60 local entrepreneur vendors, 12 exhibition vendors, health agencies, and NGOs, demonstrating strong support and involvement from various sectors. This broad participation underscores UNIMAS’s role, particularly FSSH, as a partner for social change. This partnership goes beyond academic excellence, encouraging students to become active, and positive contributors to society.

FOSSH 2024 was not merely a festival; it was an all-encompassing journey of intellectual and personal growth for FSSH students. By seamlessly integrating academic, cultural, and community-oriented activities, the festival vividly demonstrated the significance of holistic education. It emphasized that academic excellence must be complemented by personal integrity and active community engagement. Through such initiatives, FSSH continuously reaffirms its commitment to nurturing well-rounded individuals prepared to make positive contributions to society. By transforming FOSSH 2024 into a beacon of holistic education, UNIMAS has set a benchmark for future initiatives, inspiring students and the community alike to strive for excellence in all facets of life.