What is special about Kampung Assum, Sarawak?
A quick image search will show you beautiful waterfalls and pristine forests.
Investigate a bit more, and you might find that Kampung Assum, a village located roughly 60-km from Kuching, will be implementing green hydrogen technology soon – probably the first to do so in Sarawak.
The project, “Pembangunan Teknologi Hidrogen Hijau di Kampung Assum, Sarawak untuk Kelestarian Wilayah Sirkular dan Rendah Karbon“, is made possible by the collaboration between UNIMAS and H2 Energy, a clean energy company.
Early March this year, the project researchers conducted a site tour to Kampung Assum to conduct an information sharing event. The event brought together researchers, industry partners, and the Kampung Assum community for a collaborative, idea-exchanging session. During the visit, the experts shared their knowledge and skills and showcased the technology. The community learned about green hydrogen production and storage processes, amongst others.
The project aims to increase access to clean energy in remote regions by providing 30 kw of green energy, for a start. For Kampung Assum, this means a supply of clean energy that will be used to power their composting machines and other basic equipment. Through this, Kampung Assum will be able to offer green tourism and green trading, especially as the project also includes the development and implementation of a waste management and water treatment system.
For UNIMAS and H2 Energy, the success of this project would mean a step towards the aim of a 30% increase in clean energy access across remote regions.
With a clear focus on environmental responsibility, UNIMAS and H2 Energy are committed to reducing reliance on carbon energy sources in rural areas. The collaboration is a successful partnership for advancing clean energy solutions in remote areas, paving the way for a more sustainable and empowering future for these communities specifically and the world generally.