January 22, 2025
EGC taee2

BY: Nur Qaisah Syahirah Eddy@Ismail and Dr Salinayanti Salim

A group of 84 final-year students from the English for Global Communication (EGC) programme at Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) organised a science camp at SK St. John Taee, Serian. The event was held from 7 am to 1 pm at the school’s Parish Hall. Named the Students Science Project and Community Engagement with EGC (SPACE), the programme is a student-based collaborative science learning exhibition aimed to create a dynamic and engaging learning environment for the school.

Hands-on science experiment
Student testing Virtual Reality equipment made from upcycled material

After the opening ceremony officiated by Sir Fieldie Tatut, Senior Assistant for School Administration (PK1) and Head of the Science Committee, the SK Taee students jumped straight into the various activities in SPACE. The science exhibition was conducted to the Science learning syllabus for each primary standard to create a meaningful session. EGC students guided the primary school students to conduct science experiments personally outside of classrooms. This created an atmosphere of excitement, as the primary school children showed great enthusiasm throughout the day.

The event then went on with a colouring and drawing contest. There were also other activities, including upcycling, mural painting of space and planets and redecorating the science room. The students also collected books to donate to the school. At the end of the programme, winners for the colouring and drawing contest were announced.

A space mural by the SPACE programme!

SPACE was jointly coordinated by EGC and teacher Eileen, Head of the English Committee, and Sir Fieldie Tatut, Senior Assistant for School Administration (PK1) and Head of the Science Committee. Their support made the collaboration between the school and UNIMAS a success.

“SPACE aims for a better future and community through connection, collaboration, and communication” — Qaisah, Programme Deputy Director

The science programme brought smiles to everyone involved. It also strengthened the relationship between the university and the school. The students left inspired, and everyone hoped for more programmes like this in the future.