February 17, 2025

The Ministry of Higher Education in collaboration with UNESCO and Majlis E-Pembelajaran IPTA Malaysia (MEIPTA) organized an iOER showcase on 18 January 2024. 

The SHOWCASE on INCLUSIVE OPEN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES (iOER) was officiated by Prof. Dr. Azlinda Azman, Director General of Higher Education.

Six universities were chosen to participate in the showcase. UNIMAS was one of the 6 universities. Associate Professor Dr Julia Lee who had attended the virtual workshops on iOER organized by MOHE gave a presentation on “Unpacking the iOER black box on Diversity in Higher Education.”

The topic was originally a unit taught to new and young lecturers of the Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education Teaching and Learning. The iOER products by AP Dr Julia are accessible in the following link: https://ioercop.ums.edu.my/ioer-showcase-phase-3/unimas

For more information about iOER showcase, please refer to the links below:

iOER Showcase 2023 Links:

Opening: https://fb.watch/pEtrAUMbtE/?mibextid=Nif5oz

Parallel 1: https://fb.watch/pEs27HyQne/?mibextid=Nif5oz

Parallel 2: https://fb.watch/pEs3ZZ3HtM/?mibextid=Nif5oz