February 18, 2025

Clubfoot, known medically as Congenital Talipes Equino Varus (CTEV), presents a significant orthopaedic challenge in Sarawak, Malaysia, particularly among financially disadvantaged communities.

The development and initial clinical trial of the Cabi Brace, a locally designed and sustainable solution, aims to address the needs of children with clubfoot in Sarawak. Aligned with the Sarawak government’s Post COVID-19 Development Strategy 2030 and the RMK-12 framework for citizen well-being enhancement, the Cabi Brace embodies a sustainable approach to paediatric orthopaedic care. Its lightweight, ergonomic design integrates seamlessly with affordable local footwear, ensuring accessibility for needy clubfoot patients in Sarawak.

Dr. Muhammad Jameel Mohamed Kamil (Left) and Dr. Mohd Najib Abdullah Sani (Right)

Dr. Mohd Najib Abdullah Sani and Dr. Muhammad Jameel Mohamed Kamil of UNIMAS have been developing the foot abduction orthosis for clubfoot children since 2016.

The impetus for the Cabi Brace stemmed from the challenges faced by Dr. Mohd Najib’s son – Sabri Mursyidi, who was born with clubfoot in 2013. The struggles faced by Sabri, along with those encountered by other children with the same congenital foot deformity, inspired Dr. Mohd Najib to develop and prototype the Cabi Brace with funding largely through self-funded initiatives.

In 2024, the Cabi Brace qualified for its first clinical trial following a recommendation by paediatric orthopaedic specialists at Sarawak General Hospital. The trial involved three unilateral clubfoot children representing the local community in need – two 3-month-old boys and a 1-year-old boy.

Preliminary results after a two-week trial period demonstrated promising efficacy and increased bracing compliance among the participants. The paediatric orthopaedic specialists have suggested continuing bracing, with scheduled medical reviews after three and six months of using the Cabi Brace.

By providing a tailored solution that addresses the specific needs of Sarawak’s clubfoot population, this initiative aims to significantly enhance the health outcomes of Malaysian citizens, offering accessible and appropriate medical devices for sustainable community well-being.

Article prepared by Dr. Mohd Najib Abdullah Sani, University Industry Centre (UniC), UNIMAS.