October 5, 2024

Kota Samarahan, 26 April – The Institute of Borneo Studies is excited to present the upcoming IBS TALK SERIES, featuring Mr. Jayl Langub, a retired civil servant and Associate Research Fellow at the Institute of Borneo Studies, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS). The talk, titled “Rivers for Livelihood: Eastern Penan and Lun Bawang Perspectives,” will focus on sustainable resource management of clean water from rivers by the Penan and Lun Bawang communities.

Scheduled on 28 April 2023 at 2.30 pm, the event will take place at the IBS Meeting Room, Institute for Borneo Studies, UNIMAS.

During the talk, Mr. Langub will discuss how the Penan and Lun Bawang communities rely on clean water to process their staple sago flour and rice fields, respectively. He will also delve into the two sustainable concepts that guide the Penan in managing their resources in the forest: mihau and molong, and how they relate to the Lun Bawang’s management of their rice fields.

The speaker, Mr Jayl Langub is Jayl Langub is currently an Associate Research Fellow at the Institute of Borneo Studies, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS). He is one of the advisors of WWF-Malaysia. He is also an advisor to FORMADAT (Forum Masyarakat Adat Dataran Tinggi Borneo), an Alliance of the Indigenous People of the Highlands of Borneo, a local initiative comprising the Lundayeh, Kelabit, Lun Bawang and Sa’ben of the Krayan Highlands, North Kalimantan, and the Kelabit and Maligan Highlands of Sarawak and Sabah, whose goal is to maintain the integrity of their highland homeland in the Heart of Borneo through conservation and sustainable development.

This public talk is an excellent opportunity for anyone interested in the preservation of the forest cover and the sustainable development of Borneo. To register, please visit https://forms.office.com/r/v3aC1PhrCq.