February 25, 2025

Thirty-two students Year 1 medical and nursing Programme students of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak has initiated one noble volunteerism project. This volunteerism project was part of the requirement to complete the PPD1041 Softskills and Basic Volunteerism course. The aims of this project is to enable students learning planning impacted and focus volunteerism activity and also imparting a number of necessary softskills including effective communication, empathy, leadership and teamwork. The students are facilitated by Madam Rasidah Abd Wahab and Dr Isabel Fong where both lecturers are from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. 

The project was planned and collaborated with Rafflesia Representative Council of the Rafflesia Residential College. One of the Non-Resident Apartment was converted as the one-stop centre of this pioneering project. The idea of this project was transpired following from the initiative done by one of the student residential fellow, Dr Shafinah Begum, who was also a lecturer at Faculty of Economics and Business. Basically this project also initiated on the basis of the intention to handing a hand to those students in needs of assistant to ensure they can continue studying in UNIMAS happily.    

The planning of the project stated with a discussion between the student representative from both Group 5 and Group 6, both facilitators, Puan Siti Zaleha Raduan, the fellow responsible for welfare and amenities at Rafflesia Residential College, Dr Mohammad Hamdi Mahmod, the Principle of Rafflesia Residential College and all Rafflesia Representative Council members. The work to prepare the apartment only started on 21st December 2022 and the Goldren Treasure one-stop centre only officially open on the 4th January 2023 by Professor Dr. Asri Said, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, who’s representing The Deputy Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs and Alumni, Professor Dr. Haji Kamarudin B Kana. The historical opening ceremony was witnesses by all students of Group 5 and Group 6, the Rafflesia Rasidential College Management, and also the Director of Student Development Centre, Associate Professor Dr Faisal Ali B Anwarali. It was most memorable ceremony where the Golden Treasure Project Leader, Alexander Sureng was given an honour to present the replica of key to the apartment to Mohamad Danish Aiman, President of Rafflesia Representative Council, as a symbolic ceremony of handing over responsibilities of taking care of the one-stop to the Rafflesia Representative Council.  

The event was ended with the guest visiting the Golden Treasure one-stop centre and everyone hoping that this noble initiative will be expanded and sustainable as what has been mention by Professor Dr. Asri, students can play a significance role in helping fellow student. Foremost most gratitude and appreciation to all generous kind hearted UNIMAS staffs that has contributed many things to be displayed in the centre.